Tuition Fee includes Operating Expenses and Buildings & Facilities Maintenance, Improvements and Annual Fees. This Fee ranges from P15,625.00 to P25,325.00 (Kinder to G12). 70% of this must be for the Salaries of Teachers and Employees as mandated by Education Law.
Miscellaneous Fee includes Auxillary Services such as: Modules Preparations, Learning Materials for Teachers and Learning Materials of Pupils (K to G6), Training for Teachers, Guidance Services and Water & Electricity. Miscellaneous Fee for Pre-School and Elementary Departments is P5,775.00 and for High School, P2,275.00.
InfoTech Fee includes the Learning Management System (VSmart), Portal License, Website security, Cloud Base subscription, Fixed Monthly Internet Connection @1000mbps, Fixed Monthly Fee for Grading System, Repair & Maintenance Service Fees and IT Infrastructure and Facilities Upgrade. IT Fee is P1500.00 from Kinder to G12.
VSMART is the Learning Management System (LMS) that AICS will be using this Academic Year. AICS Learning Modality is a blend of Learning Modules, Online-Synchronous, Online-Asynchronous and Homeschooling.
In this VSMART School, all students and pupils will be provided with their individual accounts and passwords. The Online-Synchronous is a platform where classes are done on a scheduled time and are interactive. The online time allotment per session is from 30 to 60 minutes only. AICS' Class Schedule will be on an M-W-F and T-Th bases. This means that time allotment per subject will range from 1 and 1/2 hrs. to 2 hrs. per subject. To make learning more effective and less stressful to students, considering their attention span, each class will be further divided into at least two groups such that the online time per group is only from 30 to 45 minutes per subject. The rest of the period (offline) in that class will be devoted to the students'/ pupils’ activities, performance tasks or examining supplementary materials, on his own or with a guardian. Students and pupils are reminded to always open and check their accounts for the online class schedules, lessons, activities, tasks and advisories from their subject teachers and their respective Class Advisers, as well.
In case there is no internet connection at the time of the Online-Synchronous Class, the student/ pupil can go over the lessons presented using the Online-Asynchronous through this AICS VSMART SCHOOL + LMS where a repository of the lessons can be accessed by a student in his account. Missed activities, formative assessments or additional quizzes may also be viewed in his account but on a specified time.
Since all students and pupils are required to have their own copies of the modules or books, they can easily follow the online lessons, interactively engage in the discussions and even put side notes on the modules or books while classes are ongoing. This is also true for online-asynchronous using the AICS VSMART + LMS but not for the interactive discussions.
Homeschooling is an additional feature of the AICS blended learning modes in the Pre-School and Elementary Departments where each pupil’s parent will also be given the orientation and checklist of lessons for monitoring purposes.
Every Friday, since the allotted time for every subject under MWF Schedule already exceeds the required time per subject per week, the remaining time after lunch, from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM, will be devoted to Guidance Services such as consultations and clarifications of the students with their respective Class Advisers regarding the things that transpired during the week as well as students’/ pupils’ other concerns especially regarding their mental well-being.
Furthermore, all the teachers of the Pre-School, Elementary and High School Departments will be holding their Online Classes in the AICS HS Department for easy monitoring and close coordination especially in the use of the internet. The school has a monthly subscription of 1000mbps broadband speed as part of its infrastructure upgrade for good internet connection.
In case there will be things to be submitted to the subject teachers, all Worksheets, Performance Tasks and Outputs must be brought to the AICS HS Department every Saturday. There will be assigned drop boxes per grade level that will be placed along the Covered Path Walk. If a student’s residence is nearer to the Pre-School and Elementary Departments, his/her parents may opt to drop these materials there.
For the individual grades of the students and pupils, AICS is still waiting for the new guidelines from the DepEd using this MELC (Most Essential Learning Competencies) issued during this extraordinary time.
Step 1. Click Enroll Online.
Step 2. Choose and click New Student.
Step 3. Fill up the form then click continue.
Step 4. Choose your Mode of Payment.
Plan A (Cash Basis), Plan B (Semestral), Plan C (Monthly Basis) and click continue. Then print (if possible) the Registration Assessment Form.
Note: Take note of the temporary LRN issued.
Step 5. Upload the requirements.
Take photos of documents (each photo: 2mb maximum) using your cellphone. Go to to upload the required documents such as Report Card and ESC Voucher Certificate (if applicable). Other requirements such as Birth Certificate, ID picture and Good Moral Certificate can be uploaded too (or to follow upon school visit).
Step 6. Pay your Fees.
You may pay through GCash, Bank Transfer Fund or InstaPay. You may also go to the nearest BDO branch for your payment. Do not forget to secure a validated copy of the Deposit Slip.
Account Name:
Antipolo Immaculate Conception School
Account Number:
BDO Savings Account No. 0066 3008 3309
Step 7. Upload your Proof of Payment.
Screenshot the Transfer Fund, Gcash or InstaPay transaction or take a picture of your validated copy of the Deposit Slip using your cellphone camera. Then go to then type your temporary LRN, contact detail, amount paid and upload the copy of your payment.(Maximum file size should be 2mb per photo).
NOTE: Upon school visit, please present the e-copy and/or validated Deposit Slip for the release of the Official Receipt/s.
Step 8. Verify your payment.
To access the student portal, individual account will be sent via SMS or e-mail. Open your Student Portal to see Balance after five (5) working days and to check if your payment has been posted.
Reminder to New Students:
Please submit the following requirements (hard copy) to the Registrar's Office upon school visit. (with strict observance of public health standards).
1. Birth Certificate
2. Good Moral Certificate
3. 2x2 ID Picture (2pcs)
4. Report Card (SF9, formerly Form 138)
5. Registration Assessment Form (if any)
6. ESC Voucher Certificate
Step 1. Click Enroll Online.
Step 2. Choose and click old student and enter LRN and your password (default password is the same as your LRN or you may opt to change your password in student profile) then click login.
Step 3. Choose your Mode of Payment. Plan A (Cash Basis), Plan B (Semestral), Plan C (Monthly Basis) and click continue. Then print (if possible) the Registration Assessment Form.
Note: FOR STUDENTS WITH OLD ACCOUNTS: The system will advise you if you can proceed to Payment. You can proceed to Step 4 if old account balance is less than P5000.00. Otherwise, please visit the School Registrar for the said balance.
Step 4. Pay your Fees. You may pay through GCash, Bank Transfer Fund or InstaPay. You may also go to the nearest BDO branch for your payment. Do not forget to secure a validated copy of the Deposit Slip.
Account Name:
Antipolo Immaculate Conception School
Account Number:
BDO Savings Account No. 0066 3008 3309
Step 5. Upload your Proof of Payment. Screenshot the Transfer Fund, Gcash or InstaPay transaction or take a picture of your validated copy of the Deposit Slip using your cellphone camera then log-in to your students portal then proceed to Proof of Payment. Upload the photo copy of your payment. (Maximum file size should be 2mb per photo).
NOTE: Upon school visit, please present the e-copy and/or validated Deposit Slip for the release of the Official Receipt/s.
Step 6. Verify your payment.
Visit your Student Portal to see Balance after five (5) working days and to check if your payment has been posted.
Make sure that you have type the LRN and password correctly. If you have tried it 3 times and a message "Oops" still appears, please send us a message at AICS Website Contact portion indicating the name of student and his/her LRN and the subject of the message is LOGIN ISSUE. We will then forward this concern to the programmer. Then try logging in after 24 hours. Thank you
Login to Student Portal. You will see at the upper right corner of the screen your photo and name. Click the Profile then click Edit to update all your Personal Information needed in the School Registrar's Records.
1. Open the GCash app and login. make sure you have enough fund in it.
2. Click Send Money.
3. Click Send to Bank.
4. Choose BDO and click.
5. Fill up the Form.
Enter Amount
Account Name: Antipolo Immaculate Conception School
Account Number: 006630083309
6. Then click SEND MONEY.
7. A "Successful Transaction" will pop-up. Screenshot and Upload this to Proof of Payments using the Parents or Students Portal.
Yes, as long as you meet all the required documents needed.
No. AICS will do the ESC application for all incoming Grade 7.
If you are an ESC Grantee, you are entitled to a discount in Tuition Fee of P9,000.00 yearly from Grade 7 to Grade 10 and a discount of P14,000 per year from Grade 11 to Grade 12. The government pays for the said subsidies through PEAC, the Private Education Assistance Committee.
No. You need to study in AICS continuously to avail of the ESC Grant,. This grant is up to Grade 12 where the subsidy is P14,000.00 yearly for Senior High School. For those who are not ESC Grantees in the Junior High School, students can apply online thru to avail of the P14,000.00 subsidy yearly for the Senior High School. But this is subject for approval by the DepEd. The notification of whether approved or not will be sent thru the email address used in the online application.
Click the Parents Portal in the Home page of our website. Underneath the Remember Me and Sign In is a blue colored "Register a new membership". Click this and fill it up completely and correctly. You will create your own personal Password here. If ever you forgot your Password, we will forward this concern to the programmers. You need to send us a message at Home page Contact dashboard (upper right portion) and provide us the username details with LOGIN ISSUE as "Your subject of this message".
Check the file size and type of the photo or screenshot you have uploaded. Make sure that the file size does not exceed 2mb and the type should be jpeg, png and gif only.
There is an LRN at your registration assessment form copy that was given to you after enrolment. you may use that LRN to login at student portal. This is also the default password.
Go to Fill up all information needed. Please note the maximum file size is 2mb only. You may also go to Quick links at contact portion.
Please go to and fill out all information needed. Please note that the maximum file size is 2mb only.