May 20, 2020
14 May 2020
Dear Parents,
Immaculadian Greetings of Love!
We hope and pray that you and your family are safe and healthy in this time of the COVID 19 Pandemic. Nowadays, uncertainty is prevalent which has also affected the education sector. Since the lockdown started, AICS has been continuously planning in advance what would be the best strategy for this coming school year especially the learning modes for the students with priority on their safety and security as well as on the quality of education they will be getting. Recently, the DepEd finalized the plans for this coming school year as approved by the IATF which prompted us to issue this letter of advisory but still subject to minor changes as the days go on based from further announcements from DepEd.
As we wrap-up the Academic Year 2019-2020 this end of May, we would like to inform you of the following:
- Fourth Quarter Grades
Grades of the non-pilot students were based on their Mid-Departmental Exams, Quizzes, Performance Outputs, Projects and Class Participations which were accomplished before the lockdown. Rest assured that utmost considerations were extended to students during this time.
The Grades for the Candidates for Honors and for the Graduating Class were completed since they were able to accomplish all the requirements and were able to take the Final Examinations days before the lockdown started.
- School Year-End Clearance Forms
Clearances under Academics (from Subject Teachers) and Student Services (except Library) are deferred. However, under Administration, Outstanding Financial Obligations (Tuition, Miscellaneous and Other Fees) and School Records must be settled first in order to be cleared.
- Year-end Activities
All remaining school activities undone are cancelled in accordance with the directives from DepEd. However, Recognition Day Program, Completion Ceremony and Annual Commencement of AICS are to be rescheduled until further notice.
- Report Cards
We shall release the Report Cards starting June 30, 2020. Class Advisers will be informing you of your child’s schedule in order for the school to strictly implement the public health standards required by IATF.
- Resumption of Work
Offices will resume on June 1, 2020. Teachers and Staff will report back to school and all pending works and reports pertaining to AY 2019-2020 that were put on hold during the lockdown will be completed. Teachers will also continue gathering teaching materials for this School Year based from the new learning matrix released by the DepEd.
- Registration and Enrolment for Academic Year 2020-2021
We shall begin processing registration and enrolment for AY 2020-2021 thru any of the following:
- AICS On-line Portal: (starts on May 16, 2020)
On-line Payments: Antipolo Immaculate Conception School
BDO Savings Account No. 006630083309
- Registrar’s/ Cashier’s Office (starts on June 1, 2020)
Please be reminded that we shall strictly implement the public health standards required under GCQ for everyone’s safety such as social distancing, wearing of face mask and sanitizing upon entry in the school campus.
- For those with previous balances, these must be settled first upon payment either on-line or at the Cashier’s Office and a minimum payment of P1000.00 for the enrollment for AY 2020-2021.
- Tentatively, Classes will open on Monday, August 3, 2020.(Home Schooling)
- Modes of Learning
Embracing the challenges brought about by this COVID pandemic and the new normal in education, AICS opts to adopt the new learning modes of students such as Distance Learning with On-line Platforms or With Modules, Home Schooling, Face-To-Face and Blended Learning. For the month of August, we will use Home Schooling with Modules and Scheduled On-line Platforms. If the condition will greatly improve by September, we will adopt the Blended Learning Mode where students will report to school on a scheduled basis, maybe once a week only.
In this extraordinary time, changes may take place based on additional directives from DepEd and the IATF.
Again, keep safe and healthy and keep our strong faith. GOD BLESS US ALL!
Truly yours,